Aries Horoscope for week of March 15, 2012

This week you may learn the real reason the tortoise beat the hare, why two of the three blind mice weren't really blind, and the shocking truth about the relationship between Cinderella's fairy godmother and the handsome prince. Myths will be mutating, Aries. Nursery rhymes will scramble and fairy tales will fracture. Thor, the god of thunder, may make a tempting offer to Snow White. The cow's jump over the moon could turn out to have been faked by the CIA. An ugly duckling will lay an egg that Chicken Little claims is irrefutable proof the 2012 Mayan Apocalypse is imminent. Sounds like a rowdy good time for all!
Um.....not sure what to think about this one. Let's see where this leads me considering I have all sorts of craziness going on right now. Job hunting is exhausting and scary so I am sure the rowdiness will only continue. Next on the docket: Louisville, KY for the ACPA Conference next weekend!
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