I figured I owed y'all a little update since things have been busy but yet, not so much. I am in the middle of training with my entire office so my days are spent sitting in a small room with a bunch of great people and discussing student affairs, doing ice breakers, and then reflecting. I appreciate training and feel like it is incredibly useful however I am reflected out! I feel like I need an entire day of strictly veggin' on the couch, doing an art project, and
baking some tasty treats. Back to the simple life, right?
This has been my life lately:
Bought a bed online that is actually rolled up (ie. compact) then you open up the package and it "rehydrates" to normal size. Only problem? I thought it came with a frame, it did not, and therefore this one might be going back to the store while I continue to stalk Craigslist for good deals.
Got a haircut. Three times. Yep, it took three attempts to get my haircut and the end result is a little too short, a little longer on one side, and has me wishing I would have stopped at the second haircut. I did get it cut two of the three times at the
Paul Mitchell School which is great and a really good deal at only $10. (Sorry for the horrible, grumpers car picture!)
This is my "dream" couch. I don't own it because I can't even attempt to pay $899 for a couch but I loved the store,
Whit Ash, and could have easily decorated my entire place from just this one store (oh, and maybe
West Elm, too).
This is the couch that I did end up buying. I was hoping for something a bit more colorful but this is very neutral, comfortable, and allows for some fun accessories like a big ol' crazy rug and side tables. I hope you'll appreciate my high class green Rubbermaid tub serving as my coffee table and my little vintage chair serving as a night stand. What you don't see? My yoga mat serving as a throw rug in front of the TV. We do it classy here in SC.

Randomly, on Craigslist the other day, they had postings for cheap furniture that turned out to be auctions. I was a little suspicious and actually forgot that I even bid on these two items but by the end of last week, I apparently won! The table has two leaves that slide out from below and has a great art deco design on the legs. I plan to sand it all down and then either re-stain it or paint it a great glossy black. I think I might randomly go with stools instead of chairs with this one but whatever pops up on Craigslist just might be the way to go.
The little tiered tray on top was only $3 and I just couldn't resist. I plan on holding some jewelry and scarves in it once I get the bedroom set up.
Last but not least, a date! The other night I went out on my first proper date in at least the last 3-5 years (oy, that sounds bad, right?). We did a casual start by hitting up the
Carolina Ale House and had some beers and appetizers. After getting bored with the scene there, we braved the insane humidity and wandered over to a bar that featured awesome desserts,
Nonnah's. The wait staff was super friendly and the key lime pie was ridiculously good. Not wanting to end the night too early, he took me around the
State House to show me some of the history and statues. I wish I would have brought my real camera since the lights were amazing AND there was also crazy lightening going on so really, I don't think that tour could have gotten much better.
I have told many a co-worker and friend that dating is terrifying. I consider the dentist to be my ultimate fear and dating to be not far behind but this first date wasn't too bad. I did come to realize that I don't want to date several people at a time nor do I enjoy that kind of awkward, figuring each other out time. I like the crazy butterflies and missing the person between dates time. I miss that ease of being in a relationship and the other person just kind of gets you without needing to say much. I guess the whole point of dating is to find someone who gets all those fun feelings going AND just happens to be awesome. Kiss a bunch of frogs to find the prince, right?