Aries Horoscope for week of August 30, 2012

I'm afraid your vibes are slightly out of tune. Can you do something about that, please? Meanwhile, your invisible friend could really use a Tarot reading, and your houseplants would benefit from a dose of Mozart. Plus -- and I hope I'm not being too forward here -- your charmingly cluttered spots are spiraling into chaotic sprawl, and your slight tendency to overreact is threatening to devolve into a major proclivity. As for that rather shabby emotional baggage of yours: Would you consider hauling it to the dump? In conclusion, my dear Ram, you're due for a few adjustments.
....bahahahaa. Oh horoscope, you are full of BS yet so on point. How does that happen?
I couldn't agree more with few adjustments. I desperately need to get my head straight, stop thinking too far into the future, and maybe sleep in my bed. I need to push myself a lot harder, treat myself better, and figure out WHAT IS UP, YO.
Over on the decor8 blog today there was an amazing post about being happy and how the summer was a bit of a going with the stream time. She says that "In the end, I think it’s really my heart and soul that needs a safe place to rest right now." And she says it so perfectly that I was a bit taken back. Earlier this week a co-worker was advising a student and said "sometimes you have to go way, way, way out to figure out that you were actually in the right place in the beginning."
Simple words remind us that life truly is and can be just that simple.
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