Let's do some internetz/Pinterest exploring, shall we?
Things I want to wear and be fabulous in:
Chie Mihara Suede Mary Jane in Navy
Things I want to make that may/may not include pumpkin:
Candy Corn Cookies
Pumpkin Cheesecake Squares
Things are super, amazingly cool...at least to me:
Underground river 'Rio Hamza' discovered 4km beneath the Amazon
10 Detroit Facts You Should Know
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Working out whenever I get the chance.
I have major assignments due next week so I took tonight off but the last two nights have been so great to burn off some energy, stress, and frustration, and also just to get away from the computer. Planet Fitness is becoming my getaway and I even found my headphones which made an hour on the treadmill fly by.
I splurged on a few little things today. One being lunch from Jimmy John's and, two, being Trader Joe's Cranberry Goat Cheese. Never had it but always wanted to try and the nice cheese person talked me into it. I also grabbed chocolate coconut water. We'll see how THAT one goes. If all else fails, at least I'll be hydrated, right?
Despite the stress, I am still enjoying all the insanity of this semester. We have officially hit the midterm time where everyone is stress but only six more weeks to go! I can't believe that it is almost November and soon it will be winter semester then graduation. Don't worry, Christmas break will be spent freaking out, rewriting my resume, thinking of cities I want to live in and crafting up a storm.
Hey, is it December yet?
P.S. I had a mouse go up my leg tonight. In my house. Then it dropped out and ran behind the stove. I screamed...and am now scared to wear anything but leggings and boots in the house.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday Productivity. Sunday Sleep.
This weekend was a great break from the freezing cold weather. It has been said that this winter in Michigan will be exceptionally cold which I have come to find out I am just not ready for. I miss the days of wearing dresses and skirts, wedges, and a light sweater. Now is the time for layers, layers, layers, and serious winter gear.
On Saturday, I picked up my car from the mechanic (only a one mile walk away) and set up to actually enjoy the beautiful weather and finally head over to the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market. I had some token/dollars to spend and was really excited to look at the fall vegetable offerings. I picked up squash of all kinds, apples, eggplant, zucchini, apples, baby tomatoes, and some fresh apple-cinnamon donuts and apple cider. I think I might have to head back next weekend to pick up more of that cider--it is so freakin' good!
After the market and doing a nice little walk around the Kerrytown neighborhood, I stopped my the Salvation Army in a desperate attempt to pick up some more sweaters/long sleeved shirts. I am at an in-between size with my closet at the moment. I have a lot of things that have been relegated to the "sale" pile since they are too big and boxy. I also have clothes that fit but don't look the best since I still have tummy pudge that I need to work on. As much as I don't want to have to buy all new clothes, it also feels amazing to try on smaller clothes and have them fit. I picked up a great Dana Buckman sweater in a black and white print (kind of out there for me but so comfortable!), a red criss-cross shirt from NY&Co. and the comfiest grey winter sweater that I have ever laid my hands on.
I also did something kind of impulsive: I bought a pair of size 6 Isaac Mizrahi wool pants. These pants are awesome and gorgeous. They were also $3.50. I loved them so much that when I tried them on, I couldn't seem to let go! They got on but are not going to buckle even if there were a bed to lay down on in the dressing room. However, I also have a size 10 dress that I purchased as a goal which has provided a lot of inspiration. I have a professional conference and will (hopefully) start interviewing for jobs in March and by then, I want to be in great shape and have great confidence. These are definitely goals I can achieve and I have done wonderfully so far.
After the craziness of the Salvation Army on a Saturday (they had dressing rooms though---so awesome!), I went grocery shopping and hit up Target, which should also be known as "the evil impulse store." No matter what, I can never leave with just the two things I went in for. I came out pretty cheaply though as I found two workout tank tops (one that Meghann has been raving about) and both under $3.50 a piece.
The plan of action today was going to be hit up gym early, shower, go to B&N to read, do online homework, make fantastic dinner, and go to bed early. Instead, I fell asleep at 9:30PM last night, slept until 8am this morning (passed out, on couch, TV and lights on, brilliant) and then took two naps throughout the day, ate a lunch snack somewhere in there and now have yet to start on homework or dinner. Grilled cheese, here I come!
I have a really crazy week this week. I am also figuring out how to fit in a workout each day considering the schedule I have and the work I have to get done before the weekend comes. I have an amazing person's wedding to attend and I plan to be stress-free by then!
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life! Can you believe it is almost November??
On Saturday, I picked up my car from the mechanic (only a one mile walk away) and set up to actually enjoy the beautiful weather and finally head over to the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market. I had some token/dollars to spend and was really excited to look at the fall vegetable offerings. I picked up squash of all kinds, apples, eggplant, zucchini, apples, baby tomatoes, and some fresh apple-cinnamon donuts and apple cider. I think I might have to head back next weekend to pick up more of that cider--it is so freakin' good!
After the market and doing a nice little walk around the Kerrytown neighborhood, I stopped my the Salvation Army in a desperate attempt to pick up some more sweaters/long sleeved shirts. I am at an in-between size with my closet at the moment. I have a lot of things that have been relegated to the "sale" pile since they are too big and boxy. I also have clothes that fit but don't look the best since I still have tummy pudge that I need to work on. As much as I don't want to have to buy all new clothes, it also feels amazing to try on smaller clothes and have them fit. I picked up a great Dana Buckman sweater in a black and white print (kind of out there for me but so comfortable!), a red criss-cross shirt from NY&Co. and the comfiest grey winter sweater that I have ever laid my hands on.
I also did something kind of impulsive: I bought a pair of size 6 Isaac Mizrahi wool pants. These pants are awesome and gorgeous. They were also $3.50. I loved them so much that when I tried them on, I couldn't seem to let go! They got on but are not going to buckle even if there were a bed to lay down on in the dressing room. However, I also have a size 10 dress that I purchased as a goal which has provided a lot of inspiration. I have a professional conference and will (hopefully) start interviewing for jobs in March and by then, I want to be in great shape and have great confidence. These are definitely goals I can achieve and I have done wonderfully so far.
After the craziness of the Salvation Army on a Saturday (they had dressing rooms though---so awesome!), I went grocery shopping and hit up Target, which should also be known as "the evil impulse store." No matter what, I can never leave with just the two things I went in for. I came out pretty cheaply though as I found two workout tank tops (one that Meghann has been raving about) and both under $3.50 a piece.
The plan of action today was going to be hit up gym early, shower, go to B&N to read, do online homework, make fantastic dinner, and go to bed early. Instead, I fell asleep at 9:30PM last night, slept until 8am this morning (passed out, on couch, TV and lights on, brilliant) and then took two naps throughout the day, ate a lunch snack somewhere in there and now have yet to start on homework or dinner. Grilled cheese, here I come!
I have a really crazy week this week. I am also figuring out how to fit in a workout each day considering the schedule I have and the work I have to get done before the weekend comes. I have an amazing person's wedding to attend and I plan to be stress-free by then!
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life! Can you believe it is almost November??
Friday, October 21, 2011
Oh yes I did.
One of my co-workers mentioned that she loved the Planet Fitness here in Ypsilanti. Technically (I say that "technically" in real life with air quotes") we have a gym here on my university's campus but I have heard less than stellar things about it. I don't need a lot but I need it to be conducive to getting my ass to the gym. PF had a deal going on that for only $10 a month, you could gain membership which includes personal training sessions and it can just be month-to-month which is perfect since I know that once the snow hits, I will be shakin' in my little apartment at the thought of driving in the ice and snow even if it is just down the road. I am super excited to get my fitness on! Let's see how good I am at this.....
I am also 85% sure about signing up for the Turkey Trot 5k in downtown Detroit on Thanksgiving day. I found a buddy to go with me but she is a runner/jogger and I am freaked! I don't think I will be running it but maybe if I keep working out, I can get up to a slow jog. The weather better not mess with me for the next month!
I hope my inspiration stays high. My clothes getting too big, my experience in Florida and my inspiration board on Pinterest is definitely keeping my spirits high so we shall see the progress made as the holidays come and attack us all.
I am also 85% sure about signing up for the Turkey Trot 5k in downtown Detroit on Thanksgiving day. I found a buddy to go with me but she is a runner/jogger and I am freaked! I don't think I will be running it but maybe if I keep working out, I can get up to a slow jog. The weather better not mess with me for the next month!
I hope my inspiration stays high. My clothes getting too big, my experience in Florida and my inspiration board on Pinterest is definitely keeping my spirits high so we shall see the progress made as the holidays come and attack us all.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Detroit Free Press 5K Walk/Run
On Sunday I participated in my first 5k. I had mixed feelings about it because:
1) No age requirements so kids and older folks are busting it out there on the course.
2) I was just walking. I walk all the time.
3) I was alone.
I felt silly for being so nervous but despite barely getting any sleep the night before, forgetting that I needed to get gas and trying to find parking, I successfully made it to downtown Detroit and found the staging area for the race. The full and half marathons went first around 7:00am then us little 5kers went around 7:25am. I made sure to use the restroom and get rid of all things before even lining up. Nerves were definitely high as I didn't want to be trampled, fall down, or make a general ass of myself.
The rules say that you must complete the entire course (5k=3.1 miles) in under 1 hour and 10 minutes. My goal was to make it under 1 hour giving me roughly a 20 min. mile. I figured that I could handle that. After the start, there was some congestion with getting the runners out first and them having to dodge walkers that were in the front. As soon as the first mile hit, we were all in a rhythm. I kept a pretty fast, consistent pace all the way through and didn't feel the actual pain of not being in shape until close up to mile 3. Once we headed back around and made one of the last turns to the final crossing line, the wind really picked up and it started sprinkling just ever so slightly. I wore compression capris, sports bra, cotton t-shirt and my UCF lined windbreaker plus fingerless gloves and an headband/ear coverer. I definitely felt warm after that first mile but the windbreaker kept me from getting soaked so I figured it was a good choice after all.
It was super weird to cross the finish and have people cheering for you! I kept looking at my time and trying do math in my head which isn't smart since I'm not strong in math and I was tired. I knew that I had definitely killed my goal and was much more concerned about getting some ever so delicious Gatorade. I went through the food/drinks line and walked around a bit before heading back to the car. I wanted to make sure that I had everything and was feeling good. The nice walk back to the car was a good cool down although once I got home, I started feeling the muscles going "Oh...what the hell was that?!" kind of thing. I did lots of stretching and took a warm shower before powering down into a sweetly short and deep nap.
1) No age requirements so kids and older folks are busting it out there on the course.
2) I was just walking. I walk all the time.
3) I was alone.
I felt silly for being so nervous but despite barely getting any sleep the night before, forgetting that I needed to get gas and trying to find parking, I successfully made it to downtown Detroit and found the staging area for the race. The full and half marathons went first around 7:00am then us little 5kers went around 7:25am. I made sure to use the restroom and get rid of all things before even lining up. Nerves were definitely high as I didn't want to be trampled, fall down, or make a general ass of myself.
The rules say that you must complete the entire course (5k=3.1 miles) in under 1 hour and 10 minutes. My goal was to make it under 1 hour giving me roughly a 20 min. mile. I figured that I could handle that. After the start, there was some congestion with getting the runners out first and them having to dodge walkers that were in the front. As soon as the first mile hit, we were all in a rhythm. I kept a pretty fast, consistent pace all the way through and didn't feel the actual pain of not being in shape until close up to mile 3. Once we headed back around and made one of the last turns to the final crossing line, the wind really picked up and it started sprinkling just ever so slightly. I wore compression capris, sports bra, cotton t-shirt and my UCF lined windbreaker plus fingerless gloves and an headband/ear coverer. I definitely felt warm after that first mile but the windbreaker kept me from getting soaked so I figured it was a good choice after all.
I feel really proud of myself for not only finishing something but pushing myself to do better.
P.S. I do believe I will be doing the Turkey Trot 5k, too!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Free Will Astrology: No Boring People Allowed
Aries Horoscope for week of October 13, 2011

If it's at all possible, Aries, don't hang around boring people this week. Seek out the company of adventurers who keep you guessing and unruly talkers who incite your imagination and mystery-lovers who are always on the lookout for new learning experiences. For that matter, treat yourself to especially interesting food, perceptions, and sensations. Take new and different routes to familiar hot spots. Even better, find fresh hot spots. Cultivating novelty is your mandate right now. Outgrowing your habits would be wise, fun, and cool. Changing your mind is a luxury you need and deserve.
Up next this weekend:
The Detroit Free Press Marathon 5k Walk/Run (I'm walking...starting out slow and steady)
Still considering whether or not to do the Turkey Trot in downtown Detroit on Thanksgiving Day before the big parade. Plus, I have two LivingSocial deals for yoga that I need to get my ass in gear with!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
MEGA March for Animals
Here are just a sampling of the pictures plus some of the downtown area and GM/Ford HQ.
I was so happy that I could support the Michigan Humane Society and raise money for them! It took some serious email and Facebook hassling but in the end a lot of people were generous enough to donate. If I were staying in the area longer I would start volunteering with them (there is an orientation over several weeks) but I know that wherever I end up in April, I will be eager to start supporting the local humane society.
Up next for me: The Detroit Free Press Marathon 5K Walk/Run!
P.S. This was my first time in Detroit in 8 years. I was nervous about getting lost and parking and all that jazz BUT I managed to easily get to the location and find parking AND parallel parked in two moves. Boom.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Best Blog Ever.
To My Wife
About the author: "A collection of hopelessly romantic notes and musings. It’s called to my wife, but could be for anybody. A man for a woman, a woman for a man, a woman for a woman or a man for a man."
If this guy isn't already taken, he must be getting a lot of dates...
If we were in the 9th grade, I would dedicate my AIM profile to you.
I would like pinatas to have a regular appearance in our life. I’m not sure exactly how, but we’ll figure it out.
I sing and sometimes dance in the shower. If you’re in there with me, please feel free to join in…but just know that it happens.
I will hold the door, your coat, your hand, grumpily hold your bag but no lapdogs of any kind.
You make the noise quiet.
I share blankets democratically.
You can have the window seat.
Neither of us have time for slow walkers, fake left, fake right and pass.
I will clean my whiskers from the sink.
About the author: "A collection of hopelessly romantic notes and musings. It’s called to my wife, but could be for anybody. A man for a woman, a woman for a man, a woman for a woman or a man for a man."
If this guy isn't already taken, he must be getting a lot of dates...
If we were in the 9th grade, I would dedicate my AIM profile to you.
I would like pinatas to have a regular appearance in our life. I’m not sure exactly how, but we’ll figure it out.
I sing and sometimes dance in the shower. If you’re in there with me, please feel free to join in…but just know that it happens.
I will hold the door, your coat, your hand, grumpily hold your bag but no lapdogs of any kind.
You make the noise quiet.
I share blankets democratically.
You can have the window seat.
Neither of us have time for slow walkers, fake left, fake right and pass.
I will clean my whiskers from the sink.
I do believe I will be using some of these for my next personals ad.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Steve Jobs, Apple Founder, 1955-2011.
I'm not a technology wiz or really even keep up with it but I do know that Steve Jobs was an amazingly creative and interesting person. For goodness sake's, he made Pixar and Apple what it is today. His wisdom will live on.
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do," he told the Stanford grads in 2005.
"If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on."
I'm not a technology wiz or really even keep up with it but I do know that Steve Jobs was an amazingly creative and interesting person. For goodness sake's, he made Pixar and Apple what it is today. His wisdom will live on.
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do," he told the Stanford grads in 2005.
"If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on."
Monday, October 3, 2011
Room Revamp Part II
Since I returned from Florida, I have been on a low-budget mission to redo my entire apartment. It wasn't too bad before but it felt kind of cold and sparse. In August I managed to buy a bed and reconfigure everything in the entire apartment. So much better!
The bedroom has been the biggest redo since I have not only added in the bed but also redid the nightstand and bought a dresser off Craiglist to jazz up. It is a unique little vintage piece with a table fold out. The top of the table was ugly laminate so I decided to get a little creative. I also treated the wood with some oils and cleaned out a lot of the cobwebs and weird "someone owned this before me" vibe. I also replaced the gross drawer lining with $1 wrapping paper from Target.
First up, the nightstand. $5 off Craigslist.
So all of this lovely redoing and revamping took about a week or two. The dresser sat in my kitchen for this entire time and it actually helped in redesigning the kitchen as well (pictures to come later although nothing terribly exciting). Finally, the furniture is moved into the bedroom.
I have to say, my room feels so much more comfortable and grown up now. I have a few more art pieces to make so that the walls don't feel so empty and I am still on the search for a cheap yet gorgeous comforter for the bed but other than that, I really like the style of my room. It feels very April.
The bedroom has been the biggest redo since I have not only added in the bed but also redid the nightstand and bought a dresser off Craiglist to jazz up. It is a unique little vintage piece with a table fold out. The top of the table was ugly laminate so I decided to get a little creative. I also treated the wood with some oils and cleaned out a lot of the cobwebs and weird "someone owned this before me" vibe. I also replaced the gross drawer lining with $1 wrapping paper from Target.
First up, the nightstand. $5 off Craigslist.
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All done! Just removed the tape and cleaned up the white design. |
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All three drawers done! |
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Dresser before, paper stencil which wasn't my brightest idea but turned out okay |
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Drying time |
I have to say, my room feels so much more comfortable and grown up now. I have a few more art pieces to make so that the walls don't feel so empty and I am still on the search for a cheap yet gorgeous comforter for the bed but other than that, I really like the style of my room. It feels very April.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Social Awareness & Social Consciousness
I may have mentioned this before but I am co-teaching a freshman course that introduces them to the university. It covers a variety of topics ranging from time management and study skills to picking a major and dealing with health and wellness issues on campus. This was an important topic to me because I feel like the youth today are so concerned with their friends and only things that affect them that the rest of the world really doesn't matter. The other day I was walking by the education building and at least 20 students were streaming out the front door, heads pointed down towards their phones, feverishly texting away. It was a wonder that they didn't simultaneously run into each other. More and more, people are not aware of the world around them. I can't even count how many times people have almost run in to me because they were on their cell phones. I never understand the point of being on your cell phone while at a baseball game, a concert, a movie, or at dinner with friends. What is the point of being out in the world at all if all you are concerned with is what is happening on your phone?
Can you tell this is a huge pet peeve of mine?
So I felt like this class was a chance to at least impart some of my hopes for the future that they be engaged in the world around them. We talked about social issues such as smoking, education, homelessness, and animal rights and I showed them some social advertisements from around the world. Two examples:
I loved getting their honest reactions though because, even though some of their reactions left me scared for the future, they were honest and it was a perspective that I don't get to hear often. Coming from Oregon, all (eh, most) of my friends are liberal, conservationist, recycling, green, organic, localvores. The mentality in Michigan is much different and some of things that I assumed were cultural or social norms, really were just Northwest norms (obviously, I generalize very much here).
Can you tell this is a huge pet peeve of mine?
So I felt like this class was a chance to at least impart some of my hopes for the future that they be engaged in the world around them. We talked about social issues such as smoking, education, homelessness, and animal rights and I showed them some social advertisements from around the world. Two examples:
I loved getting their honest reactions though because, even though some of their reactions left me scared for the future, they were honest and it was a perspective that I don't get to hear often. Coming from Oregon, all (eh, most) of my friends are liberal, conservationist, recycling, green, organic, localvores. The mentality in Michigan is much different and some of things that I assumed were cultural or social norms, really were just Northwest norms (obviously, I generalize very much here).
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