I haven't completely dived into this book but I think it is a fascinating topic to read about. Basically, our body language says a lot and can also affect how others treat us and perceive us. it goes much further than the simple crossing of arms and legs.
It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken, Greg Behrendt & Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt
I believe Greg Behrendt should talk with every single young woman (and man) growing up and give them the low down on what dating, love, and relationships should be. He wrote a previous book, "He's Just Not That Into You" and damn, it was a revelation! This book is moving on from that concept of the initial relationship issues and talks about getting over and moving on after the breakup even though, if we were using our heads rather than our hearts, we would already know this stuff.

This book details what happened after the massive earthquake in Haiti from the perspective of an AP correspondent. Not only does Katz detail what happened immediately after the quake hit but also goes into the politics and history of the country, how the world perceived things during this time, and the fact that Haiti has been and was forgotten in their greatest time of need. It is a sad book, at least from my perspective, but a story that needed to be told.
Somewhere Inside, Laura Ling & Lisa Ling
I have been wanting to read this book for so long that I actually forgot about it. This is the story of Laura Ling and her colleague, Euna Lee, being held captive in North Korea. The book is set up from the perspectives of both Laura in North Korea and Lisa and her family in Los Angeles. I found it so interesting to hear both sides of the story, the intense emotion, and what Lisa was trying to do in the United States to get her sister and Euna home safely. This was a highly publicized story after the fact (that is explained more in the book) and most people remember Bill Clinton flying to North Korea and coming back with the reporters. Such a fascinating read; I read it in two nights!

I don't remember in great detail anything that stood out to me from this book. It was a good outline of things to think about in your own life, highlighting stories and experiences from Frankel.
The Marriage Plot, Jeffrey Eugenides
This was such a great book-I now see why it was so popular! The book is about three college friends in the 80's and their entry into adulthood and complicated relationships. I think the diversity and emotion of the characters really pull you in and make you want investigate what happens with them even after the book ends.
The Year of Learning Dangerously: Adventures in Homeschooling, Quinn Cummings
An interesting introduction to homeschooling from a parents' perspective but perhaps because I am not a parent yet, I couldn't get very interested in the book.
You're Not Doing It Right, Michael Ian Black
Michael Ian Black, actor from MTV's "The State" and various other random television and movies (Wet Hot American Summer!), discusses his life in terms of childhood, family, having children, and career successes and failures. He really has been in and done a little bit of everything! His humor comes through in his writing and he very honestly discusses life as he knows it.
Girl Walks into a Bar..., Rachel Dratch
Ah, I loved this book more than I thought I would. Rachel Dratch is of Saturday Night Live fame and was often given the role of the more unattractive characters (Debbie Downer is probably her most well-known character). She talks not only about her life but addresses many of the rumors that went around about her including feuds with other SNL alums and her career paths. She talks about her parts on "30 Rock" and how difficult it is to be pigeon-holed as an actor and feel like you can't move in any other direction. She also talks about dating, which I absolutely loved, and having children. You could tell she was really just being "real" and not trying to meet some sort of wild expectation of a Hollywood autobiography or anything, which I really appreciated.

I started vegan baking with the Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World long, long ago. I found how easy it was to make substitutes in baking and many of the recipes that I have tried (the most basic ones) are absolutely delicious; so much so that I usually use them for any cupcake that I plan on making. For Christmas, my friend bought me the other two of the series and I cannot wait to start making some delicious things and surprising co-workers when I tell them they are vegan. I even bought raw cashews to start making some creamy pies with!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Greg Behrendt. Did I ever tell you he was very popular in South Korea when I was living in Seoul? His awesomeness has no bounds.
ReplyDeleteI flew through “Somewhere Inside” as well. You should try reading “The Year of Learning Dangerously: Adventures in Homeschooling” again after you become a Mama. I thought it was really insightful.
I had no idea he was that popular! I love him as well--his honesty and approach to relationships is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely try that book again. I think it also was because I wasn't in the reading mindset at the point either.