Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reverb 2013: Days 6, 7, & 8

Day 6: Lesson learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?

I think it was more of a reminder that I am not only independent but also strong. My mom always told me not to worry, that things would work out.

This year has been truly exhausting, from beginning to end, but I constantly had to remember that I am a capable, smart person that can figure out anything that I need to—driving across the country, taking care of an ill parent, getting a job—and that sometimes I need to relax and take faith in the fact that things will work out, just not always as I had planned.

Day 7: Best Moment of April

I honestly can't remember much of the first part of this was all a blur! I had a few fun days in the month though that thankfully I blogged about: Birthday & Exploring Columbia. 

It is funny; the flowers shown in the Birthday post from my mom were actually the second basket! My apartment had a front entrance and a back entrance that goes to a courtyard.  For some reason, the flower delivery person went through the back stairwell and put the flowers there. Well I never, ever go through that door. One day, about a two weeks after the delivery, my downstairs neighbors' fire alarm was going off so I opened the back door to make sure I shouldn't evacuate and low and behold, I see some dried out flowers! It was quite the weird sight to see but I immediately called my mom to let her know the flower people actually did deliver the flowers.

Day 8: Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2013? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2014?
Rooftop Movie Showing
I have found kind of a fun community in joining Yelp. I started becoming more active on Yelp while in South Carolina and as I was driving across the country. Now that I have arrived in Portland, I am surrounded by such amazing restaurants and sites that I simply have to blog/post about them all! (If you haven’t noticed, I am THAT person!) I became a Yelp Elite 2013 member and was introduced to a whole new little world of events and sneak peeks at great things happening in the city. It helps me get reconnected to Portland but also helps me meet new people. I hope to become more active in 2014 as I know I will be staying put. I hope to meet more friends in 2014 and build my social circle even more.

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