THIS is a great article about time and the complexities and mysteries surrounding it.
I feel like time is always a thought. One person is thinking about the end of a work day while another one is planning for the future. Our lives are divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades and eons. They move differently though for each of us. My week will go by so fast but for someone else, it will feel like it took forever. I wonder why that is?
With things changing so drastically at this point in our lives (late 20's, early 30's) I wonder where the time has gone. Now that I look back on my 20's, it feels like a struggle but that I survived it and it was all so long ago. I can only recall memories as I look back through journals or on Livejournal. It seems like that person doesn't even exist anymore and I am almost embarrassed to know that she did at one point in time. As I look forward, I can see possibilities and that is still exciting even as I enter the somewhat scary, somewhat amazing 30's bracket.
I have dear friends changing locations, changing jobs, expanding their families, and conquering uncharted territories. I am just as excited for them as I am for myself really. I believe in the universe directing towards a great destiny but it is up to you to get there. Each person is on such a unique path of their own that it tarnishes our own when we start to compare.
I can guarantee (which I rarely do) that no one was able to predict that they would be in this place right now only two years ago let alone 10 years ago. How wild and crazy our paths lead.
Getting back to time: it is the time of change. If you aren't happy then you need to change your perspective. If something isn't working then it's time to change your view. If you are open to new challenges and adventures, my goodness, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.