Please study this testimony: "Born in a rancid, bat-infested cave at the base of the smoldering Sangay Volcano, I was raised by the half-bear demon princess Arcastia. At the age of four my training as a ninja shaman began when I was left naked and alone next to a stream of burning lava with only two safety pins, a package of dental floss, and a plastic bag full of Cheerios. My mission: to find my way to my spiritual home." Now, Aries, I'd like you to compose your own version of this declaration: a playful, over-the-top myth about your origins that gives you a greater appreciation for the heroic journey you've been on all these years.
I grew up alone. My mission was to figure out the world strictly armed with my wits and charming smile. I slept in the tree tops of rainforests with monkeys and wild cats. I wore bed sheets made in days that I was not yet alive. I lived off bread, butter, and wine and for days, I went without sleep instead preferring to stare into the moonlight and gaze upon the stars. I took naps in the hollows of the trees, covering myself with moss and dark green leaves. Everything smelled like fresh sun.
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