(Downtown Charleston, WV)

Once I arrived, I went right over to my realtor’s
office to sign the lease and grab the key. I forgot how long that whole process
The apartment is great - very spacious - it just wasn’t in
the greatest condition. Let’s just say I spent most of my evening cleaning
every nook, cranny, and wall in the place. It was worth it though to know that
everything is in good shape and I can safely walk around barefoot. I only had
enough energy to move about 65% of my stuff out of the car so that rest will be
carried in small, manageable loads.
Let's not ignore the big ol' factor in my exhaustion: heat. Most of the country is dealing with some crazy heat right now and although it is summer time, I just don't think most of us are used to this! I tried to mentally prepare but I spent most of today inside in the cool air rather than getting into my hot car. Tomorrow is another day to try!
P.S. They don’t call SC “Famously Hot” for
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