23. Best moment of December
-In one of my classes, College Student Development, we were given the task of presenting our path of development and discovery through higher education. In this, we were to show everything, both good and bad, and include those that provided good company a long the way. It was such a personal project but I really committed to be honest and open about my experiences. I, along with many other friends, were surprised we made it this far! We have no idea how we managed to still be here, alive, and present and in freakin' grad school! The project really showed me how far I have come and how much I have to give to other students going through similar things or students who have yet to really discover themselves.
-Girl's holiday get-together. It was my first little shindig at my apartment and it went very well. Oddly, we had a LOT of cheese items and then lots of candies for gingerbread houses. It was so much fun to just relax and hang out without having to worry about assignments or deadlines.
-Visiting the Detroit Institute of the Arts with a dear friend, Avanti. She showed me Detroit, we made some art and saw some art, grabbed an amazing Greek dinner at Pegasus and grabbed treats from Astoria Bakery before the snow started to really pour. Such a wonderful night!
24. Lesson learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?
-I can do anything I set my mind to. As corny as that sounds, it is so incredibly true. I just have to get out of my own way and forget my fears.
25. What is one picture that best represents 2011 for you?
26. Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?
I wonder what this year has in store for me! I am always up for anything and open to new experiences.
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