Oh hey, 31 days of December Reverb project! Thought I would revisit you. You're welcome. Here are the highlights...
11. Best moment of June.
-I got contacts, which was kind of fun. It felt "normal" to be able to see and do things without glasses on.
-Explored Winter Park and Rollins College. Took an amazing boat ride through the canals.
12. Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?
-The friendships I made in Florida were very different from those that I currently have. The people I worked with were, for the most part, 18-21 years old and had a really great approach to life. My life during the age of 18-21 was not a positive or a typical experience. It was nice to be around people who had a lot of energy, were passionate about what they are doing, and so willing to love and be supportive of each other. It really is wonderful to get new perspectives!
13. Best moment of July
-Indie trip to Miami Beach! That was pretty epic and I can't lie, a highlight of the trip was the amazing hotel bed! I got to explore a place I never thought I would have gone and really enjoy myself without too much worry of cost or schedule.
-Tampa Bay Rays vs. Boston Red Sox game. Not the most exciting game BUT great company!
-Helicopter ride. Lovely and I can't wait to do it again.
14. Love. What does this word mean to you?
-Love isn't something or someone but instead an action. You can love out loud, love hard, love freely, and it makes you a better person.
11. Best moment of June.
-I got contacts, which was kind of fun. It felt "normal" to be able to see and do things without glasses on.
-Explored Winter Park and Rollins College. Took an amazing boat ride through the canals.

-The friendships I made in Florida were very different from those that I currently have. The people I worked with were, for the most part, 18-21 years old and had a really great approach to life. My life during the age of 18-21 was not a positive or a typical experience. It was nice to be around people who had a lot of energy, were passionate about what they are doing, and so willing to love and be supportive of each other. It really is wonderful to get new perspectives!
13. Best moment of July
-Indie trip to Miami Beach! That was pretty epic and I can't lie, a highlight of the trip was the amazing hotel bed! I got to explore a place I never thought I would have gone and really enjoy myself without too much worry of cost or schedule.
-Tampa Bay Rays vs. Boston Red Sox game. Not the most exciting game BUT great company!
-Helicopter ride. Lovely and I can't wait to do it again.
14. Love. What does this word mean to you?
-Love isn't something or someone but instead an action. You can love out loud, love hard, love freely, and it makes you a better person.
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