Saturday, March 30, 2013

Life, Interrupted

Perhaps that is a cliche title for when things go a bit wonky in life but...the evil world of electronics have interrupted my blogging life!

My little old Dell laptop took the "big sleep" this last week. I got the final diagnosis on Friday and have been researching other options. I AM OVERWHELMED. Luckily, I work with an amazing computer guy who gave me the numbers I need to look for and some places to start looking as I research a new laptop. My brain is now consumed with weighing the options of cost vs. durability vs. ease of use vs. all the other things that I have no real idea about. I should mention that my laptop was 8.5 years old so really, it is about time that I get in the know.

Other updates?

  • Starting April 1st, I am going to get this healthy lifestyle thing into high gear. The stress has died down a bit (despite the above issue) and there are no major holidays that involve candy so I need to reign in the sugar intake and get my ass back in the gym. My body is CRAVING physical activity and routine. I'm excited to get back into my routine after a long hiatus. 
  • I have been writing down positive things in a notebook every single day since January 1st. Even on my worst days, I write a little something down. 
  • I have been drinking at least four glasses of water every single day since January 1st. 
  • Planning what I want to do on my birthday next month. 
  • Saw Seth Meyers on Thursday and he was HILARIOUS! I had no idea he would be quite so funny on his own. There were two jokes in particular that had me almost crying because the visuals and the story were so funny. 
  • Have y'all seen the Summerland Tour? They better be adding some more tour dates or I might just be a little cranky that I get to miss this awesome 90's reunion. 

Hope everyone is doing well! Happy Easter! 

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